Computer Graphics
Børre Stenseth


Mathematics, linear algebra

The content of this section describes some simple and basic mathematics principles for Computer Graphics. The selection of the material and the presentation is motivated from the explicit application in 2D and 3D graphics.

This English version is based mainly on a translation from the Norwegian original [1] . The translation is made by a former student: Eirin Østvold Blæstrud.

The material in this section is described in books on linear algebra and in most non-trivial books on computer graphics. Foley[2], Hill[3] and Watt[4] are examples.

  1. Norwegian website for Computer Graphics with OpenGLStenseth,
  1. Computer Graphics - Principles and Practice, 2.ed.Foley,James, Van Dam,Andries, Feiner,Steven K. & Hughes,John F.Addison-Wesley978-0201121100A classical book
  1. Computer Graphics using OpenGL, second edition, 2.ed.Hill,F.S.Addison-Wesley0-02-354856-8
  1. 3D Computer Graphics, 3.ed.Watt,AlanAddison-Wesley978-0-201-39855-7
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