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Script: command-element

The purpose of a command is to introduce jobs that will be executed outside WXT. Examples are ant-tasks, Prince and even running WXT with a different script. The definitions element may contain any number of command elements.

<command id="" line="" wait=""/>
id (mandatory) Any string that identifies the command. This id is used to issue the command from runafter or runbefore attribute of Module
line(mandatory) The command as it would have been typed from the command line. The line may use pathfragments.
wait (optional) yes or no. yes means that the command should finnish before WXT continues. no is default.

A command element may not contain any elements.


<command id="copy" line="${myjobs}/myjobs.bat" />
<command id="makepdf" 
           line="${ppath}/prince -s ${mystyles}/pstyles.css" ${mypages}/mypage.html/>

where myjobs, ppath, mystyles and mypages are defined as pathfragments in the definitions element.