I eksempelet neden for er bildet til høyre lagt opp med en fast høyde på 400 piksler. Det vil si at bredden tilpasser seg i henhold til bildets opprinnelige størrelse. Canvaset til venstre på 400 x 400 piksler. Vi drar et rektangel med et gult filter over bildet og framstiller pikslene innenfor rektangelet i canvaset.
Slik verdiene er satt, er løsningen ikke særlig gunstig for bilder der en eller begge dimensjonene er mindre enn 400 piksler.
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Det er to involverte javascript
Selve drag-and-drop funksjonaliteten er tilpasset fra eLouai [1]
/* Modified from: http://elouai.com/javascript-drag-and-drop.php */ var ie=document.all; var nn6=document.getElementById&&!document.all; var isdrag=false; var x,y; var tx=0; var ty=0; var draggedObj; function dragMouse(e) { var evt = e || window.event; if (isdrag) { var oldL=draggedObj.style.left;//bs var oldT=draggedObj.style.top; //bs draggedObj.style.left =''+(tx + evt.clientX - x)+'px'; draggedObj.style.top =''+(ty + evt.clientY - y)+'px'; //---bs if (!zoom(draggedObj)) { // reset if we cannot use the position draggedObj.style.left =oldL; draggedObj.style.top =oldT; } //--------- return false; } } function selectmouse(e) { var evt = e || window.event; var fobj = evt.target; var topelement = "HTML"; while (fobj.tagName != topelement && fobj.className != "dragme") fobj = fobj.parentElement; if (fobj.className=="dragme") { isdrag = true; draggedObj = fobj; tx=0; ty=0; if(draggedObj.style.left) tx = parseInt(draggedObj.style.left); if(draggedObj.style.top) ty = parseInt(draggedObj.style.top); x = evt.clientX; y = evt.clientY; document.onmousemove=dragMouse; return false; } } function drop() { if(isdrag)//bs { isdrag=false; // -------bs zoom(draggedObj,true); //-------------- } draggedObj=null; } function initDND() { document.onmousedown=selectmouse; document.onmouseup=drop; }
og zoom logikken og tegning i canvas:
// the element with image we are inspecting var theImage=null; // the zooming rectangle as we drag it on the image var theZoomer=null; //zoomfactor 1=pixelwise var zoomFactor=1; // real dimensions of the image var imageWidth=0; var imageHeight=0; // the position of the zoomer and // a possible signal to clear before we draw function drawZoomedPart(offLeft,offTop,clear){ // simply ignore uppdate if we are out of the image if( (offTop+parseInt(theZoomer.style.height) > theImage.height) || (offTop < 0) ||(offLeft+parseInt(theZoomer.style.width) > theImage.width) || (offLeft < 0)) return false; // calculate the offset we want to use in the canvas var imOffLeft=offLeft/theImage.width; var imOffTop=offTop/theImage.height; var realOffsetLeft=Math.round(imageWidth*imOffLeft); var realOffsetTop=Math.round(imageHeight*imOffTop); var canvas = document.getElementById("can1"); if (canvas.getContext) { var dc = canvas.getContext('2d'); dc.fillStyle = "rgb(255,255,255)" if(clear) dc.fillRect (0, 0, 400, 400); var img = new Image(); img.onload = function() { imageWidth=img.width; imageHeight=img.height; dc.drawImage(img, -realOffsetLeft*zoomFactor, -realOffsetTop*zoomFactor, imageWidth*zoomFactor, imageHeight*zoomFactor) } img.src = theImage.src;; } else { // canvas-unsupported alert('cannot do canvas'); } return true; } // as from: // http://www.quirksmode.org/js/findpos.html function findPos(obj){ var curleft = curtop = 0; if (obj && obj.offsetParent) { do { curleft += obj.offsetLeft; curtop += obj.offsetTop; } while (obj = obj.offsetParent); return [curleft,curtop]; } } // called from the dragging process when we drag or drop function zoom(obj,clear){ var Ipos=findPos(theImage); var Cpos=findPos(obj); var offLeft=Cpos[0]-Ipos[0]; var offTop=Cpos[1]-Ipos[1]; return drawZoomedPart(offLeft,offTop,clear); } // when we load the page or change the image function init(){ initDND(); theImage=document.getElementById("theImage"); imageWidth=theImage.naturalWidth; imageHeight=theImage.naturalHeight; var Ipos=findPos(theImage); theZoomer=document.getElementById("zoomer"); theZoomer.style.left=""+Ipos[0]+"px"; theZoomer.style.top=""+Ipos[1]+"px"; // adjust zoomer to cover what we actually get in real size canvas theZoomer.style.width= ""+Math.min(Math.round((1.0/zoomFactor)*400*theImage.width/imageWidth),theImage.width-2)+"px"; theZoomer.style.height= ""+Math.min(Math.round((1.0/zoomFactor)*400*theImage.height/imageHeight),theImage.height-2)+"px"; drawZoomedPart(0,0); } function loadError(){ theImage.src="error.png"; } function setImageURL(form){ theImage.src=form.urlimage.value; theImage.alt="failed to load: "+form.urlimage.value; zoomFactor=form.level.value; init(); } function selectImageURL(form){ theImage.src=form.images.value; theImage.alt="failed to load: "+form.images.value; zoomFactor=form.level.value; init(); } function selectZoomLevel(form){ zoomFactor=form.level.value; init(); } // for debugging purposes function dump(T){document.getElementById("dump").innerHTML=T;} function addDump(S){dump(document.getElementById("dump").innerHTML+"\n"+S);}