Vi tar utgangspunt i et tilfeldig sett med punkter og vi forsøker å:
- Ordne punktene i et polygon uten kryssende linjer
- Finne det minste konvekse polygonet som omslutter punktsvermen
- Beregne arealet i begge tilfellene
- Finne ut om et punkt er inne i polygonet, begge tilfellene
test nedenfor. Hvis du skrur på testdata lages det 2000 punkter som spres tilfeldig over flaten. Hvert av dem testes for om det er innefor (grønn) eller utenfor (rød).
Algoritmene er slik:
/*--------------------------------------- make random points on a canvas: makeNewSet() Producing polygon with no linecrossing: arrangePolygon() Producing conveks polygon: produceHull() Testing inside in both cases: Inside() Calculation area as precentage of complete frame: Area() Sedgewicks algoritms bs 2014 -----------------------------------------*/ // the device content in the canvas var dc=null; // dimensions of the area we use (preferable whole canvas) // see init() at bottom of file; var W=0; var H=0; // set up limits var radius=8; var maxcount=100; // actual points generated var count=0; // actual points describing the hull (convex polygon) var hullcount=0; var HullIsSet=false; var Arranged=false; // global in inside test var ps=null; // coordinates for polygon var x; var y; // coordinates for hit tests var hitx=null; var hity=null; // to hold a point, only used in insidetest function Point(x,y){ this.x=x; this.y=y; } ////// set up canvas and make a dataset ///// function init(cid,w,h) { var canvas = document.getElementById(cid); if (canvas.getContext){ W=w; H=h; dc = canvas.getContext('2d'); makeNewSet(); } else alert('cannot do canvas'); } //// paint what ever is to be painted ///// function paint() { if(dc==null){ console.log("no dc"); return; } var lim; dc.fillStyle = "rgb(255,255,255)"; dc.fillRect(0,0,W,H); // points for(var ix=0;ix < count;ix++){ dc.beginPath(); dc.fillStyle="rgb(0,0,0)"; dc.arc(x[ix],y[ix],radius/2,0,2*Math.PI,false); dc.fill(); } // hull only or all var lim=count; if(HullIsSet) lim=hullcount; dc.strokeStyle="rgb(100,100,100)"; dc.moveTo(x[0],y[0]) for(var ix=0;ix < lim;ix++) dc.lineTo(x[ix],y[ix]); // close it dc.lineTo(x[0],y[0]); dc.stroke(); // mark inside/outside of testpoints if((HullIsSet ||Arranged) && (hitx !=null)&&(hitx.length>0) ) { for(var ix=0;ix < hitx.length;ix++){// a point is set dc.beginPath(); if(Inside(new Point(hitx[ix],hity[ix]),lim)) dc.fillStyle="rgb(0,200,0)"; else dc.fillStyle="rgb(200,0,0)"; dc.arc(hitx[ix],hity[ix],radius/4,0,2*Math.PI,false); dc.fill(); } } } //////// make a new set of points //////////// function makeNewSet() { // randomize the number count=getRandom(5,maxcount); x=new Array(); y=new Array(); for(var ix=0;ix < count;ix++) { // random integer coordinates x[ix]=getRandom(radius,W-2*radius); y[ix]=getRandom(radius,H-2*radius); } HullIsSet=false; Arranged=false; paint(); } ///////// make hitpoints for inside test //// function makeHitPoints(n){ if(hitx==null){ hitx=new Array(); hity=new Array(); for(var ix=0;ix < n;ix++) { // random floats in coordinate range hitx[ix]=1.0*getRandom(radius,W-2*radius)+1/Math.random(); hity[ix]=1.0*getRandom(radius,H-2*radius)+1/Math.random(); } } else{ hitx=null; hity=null; } paint(); } ///////// make random integer ///// function getRandom(min,max){ return Math.floor((Math.random() * max) + min); } /////////// helper for rough angle-equiv. ////////////// function theta(x1,y1,x2,y2) { // calculates a pseudo angle for the line p1->p2 // according to Sedgewick var t; var dx=x2-x1; var ax=Math.abs(dx); var dy=y2-y1; var ay=Math.abs(dy); if((dx==0)&&(dy==0)) t=0.0; else t=(1.0*dy)/(1.0*(ax+ay)); if(dx<0) t=2.0-t; else if(dy<0) t=4.0+t; return t*90.0; } ////// swap coordinates ////////////////// function swap(ix1,ix2){ var tmpx=x[ix1]; var tmpy=y[ix1]; x[ix1]=x[ix2]; y[ix1]=y[ix2]; x[ix2]=tmpx; y[ix2]=tmpy; } //////// make a convex hull /////////////////// function makeHull() { // reorganize the points in p such // that the first ones are the convex hull // according to Sedgewick if(count<=3) return; //int ix,minix,M,tmpx,tmpy; //float minangle,v; // find a place to start: the lowest y-value // which is necessarily a part of the convex hull border var minix=0; for(var ix=1;ix<count;ix++) if(y[ix] < y[minix]) minix=ix; // close the curve // add sentinel x[count]=x[minix]; y[count]=y[minix]; var minangle=0.0; var M=-1; // upper index for hullnodes do { M+=1; // swap elements at M and minix swap(M,minix); minix=count; var v=minangle; // start hi minangle=360.1; for(var ix=M+1;ix < count+1;ix++) { var teta=theta(x[M],y[M],x[ix],y[ix]); if((teta > v) && (teta < minangle)) { minix=ix; minangle=teta; } } } while(minix != count); hullcount=M+1; HullIsSet=true; Arranged=false; paint(); } //////////// arrange polygon without crossings //////// function arrangePolygon() { // reorganize the points in x,y such // that they constitute a polygon with // non-crossing edges if(count<=3) return; //int ix,minix,M,tmpx,tmpy; var minangle; // find an anchor: the lowest y-value var minix=0; for(ix=1;ix<count;ix++) if(y[ix] < y[minix]) minix=ix; // put the anchor as point 0 swap(0,minix); // make a simple selectsort for // the rest of the swarm based on // quasi angles with startpoint for(M=1;M<count-1;M++) { minix=M; minangle=theta(x[0],y[0],x[M],y[M]); for(ix=M+1;ix<count;ix++) { if(minangle > theta(x[0],y[0],x[ix],y[ix])) { minangle=theta(x[0],y[0],x[ix],y[ix]); minix=ix; } } swap(minix,M); } HullIsSet=false; Arranged=true; paint(); } /////// calculate area /////////////////////// function Area() { // calculates the area of the polygon as // percentage of available space if(count<3) return 0.0; // assume y=0 is lower than any point in pol // close the polygon temporarily // x[count]=x[0];y[count]=y[0];// sentinel var a=0.0; // add or subtract a rectangle and a triangle var lim; if(!HullIsSet) lim=count; else lim=hullcount; for(var ix=0;ix<lim;ix++) { // close the path if(ix==lim-1) a+=(x[0]-x[ix])* (Math.min(y[0],y[ix]) +0.5*Math.abs((y[0]-y[ix]))); else a+=(x[ix+1]-x[ix])* (Math.min(y[ix+1],y[ix]) +0.5*Math.abs((y[ix+1]-y[ix]))); } return Math.abs(a)*100.0/(1.0*(W*H)); } //////// intersection between lines /////////////// function Intersection(p1,p2,p3,p4,ps) { // finds the intersecton between lines p1-p2 and p3-p4 // return TRUE if intersection, FALSE else // result in ps, if intersection // use parametric equations for the lines var dx1=1.0*(p2.x-p1.x); var dx2=1.0*(p4.x-p3.x); var dy1=1.0*(p2.y-p1.y); var dy2=1.0*(p4.y-p3.y); var n=1.0*(dx2*dy1-dy2*dx1); if(n==0) return false; var s=1.0*(dx1*(p3.y-p1.y)-dy1*(p3.x-p1.x))/(1.0*n); if ((s<0.0)||(s>1.0)) return false; var t=1.0*(dy2*(p1.x-p3.x)-dx2*(p1.y-p3.y))/(1.0*n); if((t<0.0)||(t>1.0)) return false; ps.x=(dx1*t+p1.x); ps.y=(dy1*t+p1.y); return true; } ////// testing inside point in polygon ////////////// function Inside(p, npnts) { // Have we hit the polygon described int arrays x,y (npnts) ? if(npnts<3) return false; // Count intersections to the left of p // odd is hit, even is miss var p1=new Point(-100000,p.y); var p2=new Point(100000,p.y); var isInside=false; for(var pix=0;pix< npnts;pix++) { var p3= new Point(x[pix],y[pix]); var p4= new Point(x[pix+1],y[pix+1]); if(pix==npnts-1) p4=new Point(x[0],y[0]); ps= new Point(0,0); if(Intersection(p1,p2,p3,p4,ps)) if (ps.x < p.x ) isInside=!isInside; } return isInside; } ///// where it all starts ////// init('poly',300,300);