PI: authorlist
The purpose is to produce a complete or partial list of authors and the modules they have produced.
<?_wxt authorlist?>
The parameters are:
idlist (optional) | A commaseparated list of module ids that we want to include. If this is set, the others (select, root and books) are ignored. |
root (optional) | The id of the module that defines the subtree we will consider for. |
books (optional) | A commaseparated list of book ids that we want to include. |
select (optional) | Possible values are _siblings and _children. |
scriptpath (optional) | The scriptpath is an xpath that is used on the script to select modules. Sample: //module[@template='P'] get all modules with template P. |
authors (optional) | A commaseparated list of author id's that we will include. If not set, all authors are included. |
dropdefault (optional) | May be yes or no. Default is yes, which means that the default author is omitted from the list. |
cols (optional) | The number of columns. Default is 1. |
show (optional) | Possible values are full or short. Default is short which is interpreted as the attribute in the fragment that desribes the author. |
The selected set of modules will be assembled according to the following rule:
- if idlist is set, the collection is as defined in the idlist.
- if idlist is not set, the collection is made up as the intersection of the modules spesified by root, book, scriptpath and select.
- if neither idlist, root, book, scriptpath or select is set, all modules are selected, except those with books attribute: _never.
Styleclass(es) describing this PI is: wxtauthorlistn, where n is the number of columns selected, see distributed std styles.