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PI: moduletoc

The purpose of a moduletoc is to produce a table of content for one module on this module.

<?_wxt moduletoc cols=""?>

The parameters are:

tags (optional) The tags we want to build the toc for. Default is:"h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6". For instance: ",,h3" will build a toc for h3-entries only, and they will be marked (by style) as on level 3. The value: "h3" will build a toc for h3-entries only, and they will be marked (by style) as on level 1.
cols (optional) The number of columns we want. Default is 0, which means a "horisontal" list.
divider (optional) String that separates the entries. Only effective when cols=0.

Styleclass describing this PI is: wxtmoduletocn, where n is the number of columns selected( >0). See distributed std styles.


<?_wxt moduletoc?>