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PI: collect-remote

The purpose of a collect-remote is to produce an XML-fragment that collects material from modules described and managed in an other script. The modules we collect from, is not built.

<?_wxt collect-remote idlist="" books="" scriptpath="" xpath=""?>

The parameters are:

location (mandatory) The absolute address of the script that describes the site we will collect from
idlist (optional) A commaseparated list of module ids that we want to include.
books (optional) A commaseparated list of book ids that we want to include.
scriptpath (optional) The scriptpath is an xpath that is used on the script to select modules.
Sample: //module[@template='P'] get all modules with template P.
xpath (mandatory) Defining what should be collected from each of the selected modules.
encoding (optional) Defining what encoding should be expected if this cannot be determined from the imported module-file, that is if it is not a wellformed XML-file. Default encoding is used when no other information is available.

The selected set of modules will be a union of the selection criteria.


<?_wxt collect-remote location="http://www.a.b/what/myscript.xml" 
                books="some" xpath="//div[@class='collectable']/*"?>