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PI: xlink

The purpose of a xlink is to produce a XHTML-fragment that links to another module in the same script.

<?_wxt xlink id="" fragment="" summary=""?>

The parameters are:

id (mandatory) The id of the module we want to link to. Predefined ids are:_next, _prev, _nextsibling, _prevsibling, _parent, _root or _home. _home is interpreted as the first module in the script.
fragment (optional) The id of a defined fragment. This fragment will replace the modules name. A possible value is _summary.
summary (optional) Possible vaules are yes and no. If yes, the summary of the references module will expand on mouseover. Default is no, which expands the modules name.

Styleclass describing this PI is: wxtxlink and wxtxlinkself. See distributed std styles.


<?_wxt xlink id="_parent"?>


<?_wxt xlink id="_next" fragment="nextimage"?>

may produce this:

<span class="wxtxlink">
<a href="mypage.html" title="testing wxt PIs">
  <img alt="next" src="../common/templates/next.gif">

Given that nextimage is defined:

<fragment id="nextimage">
 <![CDATA[<img src="{common}/templates/next.gif" alt="next">]]/>