PI: xlink
The purpose of a xlink is to produce a XHTML-fragment that links to another module in the same script.
<?_wxt xlink id="" fragment="" summary=""?>
The parameters are:
id (mandatory) | The id of the module we want to link to. Predefined ids are:_next, _prev, _nextsibling, _prevsibling, _parent, _root or _home. _home is interpreted as the first module in the script. |
fragment (optional) | The id of a defined fragment. This fragment will replace the modules name. A possible value is _summary. |
summary (optional) | Possible vaules are yes and no. If yes, the summary of the references module will expand on mouseover. Default is no, which expands the modules name. |
Styleclass describing this PI is: wxtxlink and wxtxlinkself. See distributed std styles.
<div> <?_wxt xlink id="_parent"?> </div>
<div> <?_wxt xlink id="_next" fragment="nextimage"?> </div>
may produce this:
<div> <span class="wxtxlink"> <a href="mypage.html" title="testing wxt PIs"> <img alt="next" src="../common/templates/next.gif"> </a> </span> </div>
Given that nextimage is defined:
... <fragment id="nextimage"> <![CDATA[<img src="{common}/templates/next.gif" alt="next">]]/> </fragment> ...